Project 1: RABiT Publications
Wang, Q., Rodrigues, M. A., Repin, M., Pampou, S., Beaton-Green, L. A., Perrier, J., Garty, G., Brenner, D. J., Turner, H. C. & Wilkins, R. C. Automated Triage Radiation Biodosimetry: Integrating Imaging Flow Cytometry with High-Throughput Robotics to Perform the Cytokinesis-Block Micronucleus Assay. Radiat Res 191, 342-351, doi:10.1667/RR15243.1 (2019). [Radiation Research](link is external and opens in a new window)
Repin, M., Pampou, S., Garty, G. & Brenner, D. J. RABiT-II: A Fully-Automated Micronucleus Assay System with Shortened Time to Result. Radiat Res 191, 232-236, doi:10.1667/RR15215.1 (2019). [Radiation Research]
Lee, Y., Pujol Canadell, M., Shuryak, I., Perrier, J. R., Taveras, M., Patel, P., Koller, A., Smilenov, L. B., Brenner, D. J., Chen, E. I. & Turner, H. C. Candidate protein markers for radiation biodosimetry in the hematopoietically humanized mouse model. Sci Rep 8, 13557, doi:10.1038/s41598-018-31740-8 (2018). [Scientific Reports](link is external and opens in a new window)
Ghandhi, S. A., Turner, H. C., Shuryak, I., Dugan, G. O., Bourland, J. D., Olson, J. D., Tooze, J. A., Morton, S. R., Batinic-Haberle, I., Cline, J. M. & Amundson, S. A. Whole thorax irradiation of non-human primates induces persistent nuclear damage and gene expression changes in peripheral blood cells. PLoS One 13, e0191402, doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0191402 (2018). [PLoS One](link is external and opens in a new window)
Repin, M., Pampou, S., Karan, C., Brenner, D. J. & Garty, G. RABiT-II: Implementation of a High-Throughput Micronucleus Biodosimetry Assay on Commercial Biotech Robotic Systems. Radiat Res 187, 492-498, doi:10.1667/RR011CC.1 (2017). [Radiation Research]
Garty, G., Xu, Y., Elliston, C., Marino, S. A., Randers-Pehrson, G. & Brenner, D. J. Mice and the A-Bomb: Irradiation Systems for Realistic Exposure Scenarios. Radiat Res 187, 465-475, doi:10.1667/RR008CC.1 (2017). [Radiation Research](link is external and opens in a new window)
Welch, D., Turner, L., Speiser, M., Randers-Pehrson, G. & Brenner, D. J. Scattered Dose Calculations and Measurements in a Life-Like Mouse Phantom. Radiat Res 187, 433-442, doi:10.1667/RR004CC.1 (2017). [Radiation Research]
Bian, D., Tsui, J. C., Repin, M., Garty, G., Turner, H., Lawrence Yao, Y. & Brenner, D. J. Liquid Handling Optimization in High-Throughput Biodosimetry Tool. J Med Device 10, 0410071-4100710, doi:10.1115/1.4033600 (2016). [Journal of Medical Devices](link is external and opens in a new window)
Garty, G., Turner, H. C., Salerno, A., Bertucci, A., Zhang, J., Chen, Y., Dutta, A., Sharma, P., Bian, D., Taveras, M., Wang, H., Bhatla, A., Balajee, A., Bigelow, A. W., Repin, M., Lyulko, O. V., Simaan, N., Yao, Y. L. & Brenner, D. J. THE DECADE OF THE RABiT (2005-15). Radiat Prot Dosimetry 172, 201-206, doi:10.1093/rpd/ncw172 (2016). [Radiation Protection Dosimetry](link is external and opens in a new window)
Bertucci, A., Smilenov, L. B., Turner, H. C., Amundson, S. A. & Brenner, D. J. In vitro RABiT measurement of dose rate effects on radiation induction of micronuclei in human peripheral blood lymphocytes. Radiat Environ Biophys 55, 53-59, doi:10.1007/s00411-015-0628-z (2016). [Radiation and Environmental Biophysics](link is external and opens in a new window)
Turner, H. C., Shuryak, I., Weber, W., Doyle-Eisele, M., Melo, D., Guilmette, R., Amundson, S. A. & Brenner, D. J. gamma-H2AX Kinetic Profile in Mouse Lymphocytes Exposed to the Internal Emitters Cesium-137 and Strontium-90. PLoS One 10, e0143815, doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0143815 (2015). [PLOS One](link is external and opens in a new window)
Lue, S. W., Repin, M., Mahnke, R. & Brenner, D. J. Development of a High-Throughput and Miniaturized Cytokinesis-Block Micronucleus Assay for Use as a Biological Dosimetry Population Triage Tool. Radiat Res 184, 134-142 (2015). [Radiation Research](link is external and opens in a new window)
Xu, Y., Randers-Pehrson, G., Turner, H. C., Marino, S. A., Geard, C. R., Brenner, D. J. & Garty, G. Accelerator-Based Biological Irradiation Facility Simulating Neutron Exposure from an Improvised Nuclear Device. Radiat Res 184, 404-410, doi:10.1667/RR14036.1 (2015). [Radiation Research](link is external and opens in a new window)
Xu, Y., Randers-Pehrson, G., Marino, S. A., Garty, G., Harken, A. D. & Brenner, D. J. Broad Energy Range Neutron Spectroscopy using a Liquid Scintillator and a Proportional Counter: Application to a Neutron Spectrum Similar to that from an Improvised Nuclear Device. Nucl Instrum Methods Phys Res A 794, 234-239, doi:10.1016/j.nima.2015.05.041 (2016). [Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research](link is external and opens in a new window)
Garty, G., Bigelow, A. W., Repin, M., Turner, H. C., Bian, D., Balajee, A. S., Lyulko, O. V., Taveras, M., Yao, Y. L. & Brenner, D. J. An automated imaging system for radiation biodosimetry. Microsc Res Tech 78, 587-598, doi:10.1002/jemt.22512 (2015). [Microscopy Research and Technique](link is external and opens in a new window)
Sharma, P. M., Ponnaiya, B., Taveras, M., Shuryak, I., Turner, H. & Brenner, D. J. High throughput measurement of gammaH2AX DSB repair kinetics in a healthy human population. PLoS One 10, e0121083, doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0121083 (2015). [PLOS One](link is external and opens in a new window)
Turner, H. C., Shuryak, I., Taveras, M., Bertucci, A., Perrier, J. R., Chen, C., Elliston, C. D., Johnson, G. W., Smilenov, L. B., Amundson, S. A. & Brenner, D. J. Effect of dose rate on residual gamma-H2AX levels and frequency of micronuclei in X-irradiated mouse lymphocytes. Radiat Res 183, 315-324, doi:10.1667/RR13860.1 (2015). [Radiation Research](link is external and opens in a new window)
Halm, B. M., Franke, A. A., Lai, J. F., Turner, H. C., Brenner, D. J., V.M., Z. & DiMauro, R. γ-H2AX foci are increased in lymphocytes in vivo in young children 1 h after very low-dose X-irradiation: a pilot study. Pediatr Radiol 44, 1310-1317, doi:10.1007/s00247-014-2983-3 (2014). [Pediatric Radiology](link is external and opens in a new window)
Repin, M., Turner, H. C., Garty, G. & Brenner, D. J. Next generation platforms for high-throughput biodosimetry. Radiat Prot Dosimetry 159, 105-110, doi:10.1093/rpd/ncu161 (2014). [Radiation Protection Dosimetry](link is external and opens in a new window)
Lyulko, O. V., Garty, G., Randers-Pehrson, G., Turner, H. C., Szolc, B. & Brenner, D. J. Fast image analysis for the micronucleus assay in a fully automated high-throughput biodosimetry system. Radiat Res 181, 146-161, doi:10.1667/RR13441.1 (2014). [Radiation Research](link is external and opens in a new window)
Turner, H. C., Sharma, P., Perrier, J. R., Bertucci, A., Smilenov, L., Johnson, G., Taveras, M., Brenner, D. J. & Garty, G. The RABiT: high-throughput technology for assessing global DSB repair. Radiat Environ Biophys 53, 265-272, doi:10.1007/s00411-014-0514-0 (2014). [Radiation and Environmental Biophysics](link is external and opens in a new window)
Garty, G., Turner, H.C., Taveras, M., Lyulko, O.V., Randers-Pehrson, G., Brenner, D.J. The RABiT: A Rapid Automated Biodosimetry Tool, pp 397-400 In: The Medical Basis for Radiation-Accident Preparedness V: Medical Management. Eds: Christensen, D.M., Sugarman, S.L., O’Hara, F.M. [Medical Management](link is external and opens in a new window)
Xu, Y., Turner, H. C., Garty, G. & Brenner, D. A Rapid, Quantitative Method to Characterize The Human Lymphocyte Concentration for Automated High-Throughput Radiation Biodosimetry. Biomed Eng Res 2, 16-19 (2013). [Biomedical Engineering Research](link is external and opens in a new window)
Chen, Y., Wang, H., Zhang, J., Garty, G., Simaan, N., Yao, Y. L. & Brenner, D. J. Automated Recognition of Robotic Manipulation Failures in High-throughput Biodosimetry Tool. Expert Syst Appl 39, 9602-9611 (2012). [Expert Systems Applications](link is external and opens in a new window)
Garty, G., Chen, Y., Turner, H. C., Zhang, J., Lyulko, O. V., Bertucci, A., Xu, Y., Wang, H., Simaan, N., Randers-Pehrson, G., Lawrence Yao, Y. & Brenner, D. J. The RABiT: a rapid automated biodosimetry tool for radiological triage. II. Technological developments. Int J Radiat Biol 87, 776-790, doi:10.3109/09553002.2011.573612 (2011). [International Journal of Radiation Biology](link is external and opens in a new window)
Garty, G., Karam, A. & Brenner, D. J. Infrastructure to support ultra high throughput biodosimetry screening after a radiological event. Int J Radiat Biol 87, 754-765, doi:10.3109/09553002.2011.583317 (2011). [International Journal of Radiation Biology](link is external and opens in a new window)
Turner, H. C., Brenner, D. J., Chen, Y., Bertucci, A., Zhang, J., Wang, H., Lyulko, O. V., Xu, Y., Shuryak, I., Schaefer, J., Simaan, N., Randers-Pehrson, G., Yao, Y. L., Amundson, S. A. & Garty, G. Adapting the gamma-H2AX assay for automated processing in human lymphocytes. 1. Technological aspects. Radiat Res 175, 282-290, doi:10.1667/RR2125.1 (2011). [Radiation Research](link is external and opens in a new window)
Garty, G., Chen, Y., Salerno, A., Turner, H., Zhang, J., Lyulko, O., Bertucci, A., Xu, Y., Wang, H., Simaan, N., Randers-Pehrson, G., Yao, Y. L., Amundson, S. A. & Brenner, D. J. The RABIT: a rapid automated biodosimetry tool for radiological triage. Health Phys 98, 209-217, doi:10.1097/HP.0b013e3181ab3cb6 (2010). [Health Physics](link is external and opens in a new window)
Chen, Y., Zhang, J., Wang, H., Garty, G., Xu, Y., Lyulko, O. V., Turner, H. C., Randers-Pehrson, G., Simaan, N., Yao, Y. L. & Brenner, D. J. Development of a Robotically-based Automated Biodosimetry Tool for High-throughput Radiological Triage. IJBBR 1, 115-125 (2010). [International Journal of Biomechatronics and Biomedical Robotics](link is external and opens in a new window)
Chen, Y., Zhang, J., Wang, H., Garty, G., Xu, Y., Lyulko, O. V., Turner, H. C., Randers-Pehrson, G., Simaan, N., Yao, Y. L. & Brenner, D. J. Design and Preliminary Validation of a Rapid Automated Biodosimetry Tool for High Throughput Radiological Triage. Proc ASME Des Eng Tech Conf 3, 61-67, doi:10.1115/DETC2009-86425 (2009). [Proceedings ASME Design Engineering Technical Conference](link is external and opens in a new window)
Salerno, A., Zhang, J., Bhatla, A., Lyulko, O. V., Nie, J., Dutta, A., Garty, G., Simaan, N., Randers-Pehrson, G., Yao, Y. L. & Brenner, D. J. Design Considerations for a Minimally Invasive High-Throughput Automation System for Radiation Biodosimetry. In: Proceedings of the Third Annual IEEE Conference on Automation Science and Engineering (CASE), Scottsdale, AZ, September 2007: 846-852; 2007. (2007). [Proceedings of the 3rd Annual IEEE CASE](link is external and opens in a new window)
Project 2: Transcriptomics Publications
Broustas, C. G., Harken, A. D., Garty, G. & Amundson, S. A. Identification of differentially expressed genes and pathways in mice exposed to mixed field neutron/photon radiation. BMC Genomics 19, 504, doi:10.1186/s12864-018-4884-6 (2018). [BMC Genomics](link is external and opens in a new window)
Lacombe, J., Sima, C., Amundson, S. A. & Zenhausern, F. Candidate gene biodosimetry markers of exposure to external ionizing radiation in human blood: A systematic review. PLoS One 13, e0198851, doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0198851 (2018). [PLoS One](link is external and opens in a new window)
Suresh Kumar, M. A., Laiakis, E. C., Ghandhi, S. A., Morton, S. R., Fornace, A. J., Jr. & Amundson, S. A. Gene Expression in Parp1 Deficient Mice Exposed to a Median Lethal Dose of Gamma Rays. Radiat Res 190, 53-62, doi:10.1667/RR14990.1 (2018). [Radiation Research](link is external and opens in a new window)
Rudqvist, N., Laiakis, E. C., Ghandhi, S. A., Kumar, S., Knotts, J. D., Chowdhury, M., Fornace, A. J., Jr. & Amundson, S. A. Global Gene Expression Response in Mouse Models of DNA Repair Deficiency after Gamma Irradiation. Radiat Res 189, 337-344, doi:10.1667/RR14862.1 (2018). [Radiation Research](link is external and opens in a new window)
Ghandhi, S. A., Turner, H. C., Shuryak, I., Dugan, G. O., Bourland, J. D., Olson, J. D., Tooze, J. A., Morton, S. R., Batinic-Haberle, I., Cline, J. M. & Amundson, S. A. Whole thorax irradiation of non-human primates induces persistent nuclear damage and gene expression changes in peripheral blood cells. PLoS One 13, e0191402, doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0191402 (2018). [PLoS One](link is external and opens in a new window)
Park, J. G., Paul, S., Briones, N., Zeng, J., Gillis, K., Wallstrom, G., LaBaer, J. & Amundson, S. A. Developing Human Radiation Biodosimetry Models: Testing Cross-Species Conversion Approaches Using an Ex Vivo Model System. Radiat Res 187, 708-721, doi:10.1667/RR14655.1 (2017). [Radiation Research](link is external and opens in a new window)
Broustas, C. G., Xu, Y., Harken, A. D., Chowdhury, M., Garty, G. & Amundson, S. A. Impact of Neutron Exposure on Global Gene Expression in a Human Peripheral Blood Model. Radiat Res 187, 433-440, doi:10.1667/RR0005.1 (2017). [Radiation Research](link is external and opens in a new window)
Broustas, C. G., Xu, Y., Harken, A. D., Garty, G. & Amundson, S. A. Comparison of gene expression response to neutron and x-ray irradiation using mouse blood. BMC Genomics 18, 2, doi:10.1186/s12864-016-3436-1 (2017). [BMC Genomics](link is external and opens in a new window)
Bertucci, A., Smilenov, L. B., Turner, H. C., Amundson, S. A. & Brenner, D. J. In vitro RABiT measurement of dose rate effects on radiation induction of micronuclei in human peripheral blood lymphocytes. Radiat Environ Biophys 55, 53-59, doi:10.1007/s00411-015-0628-z (2016). [Radiat Environ Biophys](link is external and opens in a new window)
Ghandhi, S. A., Weber, W., Melo, D., Doyle-Eisele, M., Chowdhury, M., Guilmette, R. & Amundson, S. A. Effect of 90Sr internal emitter on gene expression in mouse blood. BMC Genomics 16, 586, doi:10.1186/s12864-015-1774-z (2015). [BMC Genomics](link is external and opens in a new window)
Turner, H. C., Shuryak, I., Taveras, M., Bertucci, A., Perrier, J. R., Chen, C., Elliston, C. D., Johnson, G. W., Smilenov, L. B., Amundson, S. A. & Brenner, D. J. Effect of dose rate on residual gamma-H2AX levels and frequency of micronuclei in X-irradiated mouse lymphocytes. Radiat Res 183, 315-324, doi:10.1667/RR13860.1 (2015). [Radiation Research](link is external and opens in a new window)
Ghandhi, S. A., Smilenov, L. B., Elliston, C. D., Chowdhury, M. & Amundson, S. A. Radiation dose-rate effects on gene expression for human biodosimetry. BMC Med Genomics 8, 22, doi:10.1186/s12920-015-0097-x (2015). [BMC Medical Genomics](link is external and opens in a new window)
Paul, S., Smilenov, L. B., Elliston, C. D. & Amundson, S. A. Radiation Dose-Rate Effects on Gene Expression in a Mouse Biodosimetry Model. Radiat Res 184, 24-32, doi:10.1667/RR14044.1 (2015). [Radiation Research](link is external and opens in a new window)
Turner, H. C., Shuryak, I., Weber, W., Doyle-Eisele, M., Melo, D., Guilmette, R., Amundson, S. A. & Brenner, D. J. gamma-H2AX Kinetic Profile in Mouse Lymphocytes Exposed to the Internal Emitters Cesium-137 and Strontium-90. PLoS One 10, e0143815, doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0143815 (2015). [PLOS One](link is external and opens in a new window)
Sun, H., Olsen, T., Zhu, J., Tao, J., Ponnaiya, B., Amundson, S. A., Brenner, D. J. & Lin, Q. A Bead-Based Microfluidic Approach to Integrated Single-Cell Gene Expression Analysis by Quantitative RT-PCR. RSC Adv 5, 4886-4893, doi:10.1039/C4RA13356K (2015). [RSC Advances](link is external and opens in a new window)
Paul, S. & Amundson, S. A. Differential Effect of Active Smoking on Gene Expression in Male and Female Smokers. J Carcinog Mutagen 5, doi:10.4172/2157-2518.1000198 (2014). [Journal of Carcinogenesis and Mutagenesis](link is external and opens in a new window)
Luo, X., Suzuki, M., Ghandhi, S. A., Amundson, S. A. & Boothman, D. A. ATM regulates insulin-like growth factor 1-secretory clusterin (IGF-1-sCLU) expression that protects cells against senescence. PLoS One 9, e99983, doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0099983 (2014).[PLOS One](link is external and opens in a new window)
Laiakis, E. C., Mak, T. D., Anizan, S., Amundson, S. A., Barker, C. A., Wolden, S. L., Brenner, D. J. & Fornace, A. J., Jr. Development of a metabolomic radiation signature in urine from patients undergoing total body irradiation. Radiat Res 181, 350-361, doi:10.1667/RR13567.1 (2014). [Radiation Research](link is external and opens in a new window)
Brenner, D. J., Vazquez, M., Buonanno, M., Amundson, S. A., Bigelow, A. W., Garty, G., Harken, A. D., Hei, T. K., Marino, S. A., Ponnaiya, B., Randers-Pehrson, G. & Xu, Y. Integrated interdisciplinary training in the radiological sciences. Br J Radiol 87, 20130779, doi:10.1259/bjr.20130779 (2014). [British Journal of Radiology](link is external and opens in a new window)
Brengues M., Smith S., Estes M., Zenhausern F. Integrated micro-fluidic system for gene expression based biodosimetry. In: Christensen D.M., Sugarman S.L. Editors. The medical basis for radiation accident preparedness v: Advances in diagnosis & management of ionizing radiation injuries & illnesses. Oak Ridge Associated Universities; 2013. p363-6.
Paul, S., Smilenov, L. B. & Amundson, S. A. Widespread decreased expression of immune function genes in human peripheral blood following radiation exposure. Radiat Res 180, 575-583, doi:10.1667/RR13343.1 (2013). [Radiation Research](link is external and opens in a new window)
Badie, C., Kabacik, S., Balagurunathan, Y., Bernard, N., Brengues, M., Faggioni, G., Greither, R., Lista, F., Peinnequin, A., Poyot, T., Herodin, F., Missel, A., Terbrueggen, B., Zenhausern, F., Rothkamm, K., Meineke, V., Braselmann, H., Beinke, C. & Abend, M. Laboratory intercomparison of gene expression assays. Radiat Res 180, 138-148, doi:10.1667/RR3236.1 (2013). [Radiation Research](link is external and opens in a new window)
Rothkamm, K., Beinke, C., Romm, H., Badie, C., Balagurunathan, Y., Barnard, S., Bernard, N., Boulay-Greene, H., Brengues, M., De Amicis, A., De Sanctis, S., Greither, R., Herodin, F., Jones, A., Kabacik, S., Knie, T., Kulka, U., Lista, F., Martigne, P., Missel, A., Moquet, J., Oestreicher, U., Peinnequin, A., Poyot, T., Roessler, U., Scherthan, H., Terbrueggen, B., Thierens, H., Valente, M., Vral, A., Zenhausern, F., Meineke, V., Braselmann, H. & Abend, M. Comparison of established and emerging biodosimetry assays. Radiat Res 180, 111-119, doi:10.1667/RR3231.1 (2013). [Radiation Research](link is external and opens in a new window)
Templin, T., Young, E. F. & Smilenov, L. B. Proton radiation-induced miRNA signatures in mouse blood: characterization and comparison with 56Fe-ion and gamma radiation. Int J Radiat Biol 88, 531-539, doi:10.3109/09553002.2012.690549 (2012). [International Journal of Radiation Biology](link is external and opens in a new window)
Paul, S. & Amundson, S. A. Gene expression signatures of radiation exposure in peripheral white blood cells of smokers and non-smokers. Int J Radiat Biol 87, 791-801, doi:10.3109/09553002.2011.568574 (2011). [International Journal of Radiation Biology](link is external and opens in a new window)
Templin, T., Amundson, S. A., Brenner, D. J. & Smilenov, L. B. Whole mouse blood microRNA as biomarkers for exposure to gamma-rays and (56)Fe ion. Int J Radiat Biol 87, 653-662, doi:10.3109/09553002.2010.549537 (2011). [International Journal of Radiation Biology](link is external and opens in a new window)
Williams, P. D., Owens, C. R., Dziegielewski, J., Moskaluk, C. A., Read, P. W., Larner, J. M., Story, M. D., Brock, W. A., Amudson, S. A., Lee, J. K. & Theodorescu, D. Cyclophilin B expression is associated with in vitro radioresistance and clinical outcome after radiotherapy. Neoplasia 12, 1122-1131 (2011). [Neoplasia](link is external and opens in a new window)
Amundson, S. A. & Smilenov, L. B. Integration of biological knowledge and gene expression data for biomarker selection: FN1 as a potential predictor of radiation resistance in head and neck cancer. Cancer Biol Ther 10, 1252-1255 (2010). [Cancer Biology](link is external and opens in a new window)
Templin, T., Paul, S., Amundson, S. A., Young, E. F., Barker, C. A., Wolden, S. L. & Smilenov, L. B. Radiation-induced micro-RNA expression changes in peripheral blood cells of radiotherapy patients. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 80, 549-557, doi:10.1016/j.ijrobp.2010.12.061 (2011). [International Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics](link is external and opens in a new window)
Ghandhi, S. A., Sinha, A., Markatou, M. & Amundson, S. A. Time-series clustering of gene expression in irradiated and bystander fibroblasts: an application of FBPA clustering. BMC Genomics 12, 2, doi:10.1186/1471-2164-12-2 (2011). [BMC Genomics](link is external and opens in a new window)
Paul, S., Barker, C. A., Turner, H. C., McLane, A., Wolden, S. L. & Amudson, S. A. Prediction of In Vivo Radiation Dose Status in Radiotherapy Patients using Ex Vivo and In Vivo Gene Expression Signatures. Radiat Res 175, 257-265, doi:10.1667/RR2420.1 (2011). [Radiation Research](link is external and opens in a new window)
Huang, T. C., Paul, S., Gong, P., Levicky, R., Kymissis, J., Amundson, S. A. & Shepard, K. L. Gene expression analysis with an integrated CMOS microarray by time-resolved fluorescence detection. Biosens Bioelectron 26, 2660-2665, doi:10.1016/j.bios.2010.03.001 (2011). [Biosens Bioelectron](link is external and opens in a new window)
Brengues, M., Paap, B., Bittner, M., Amudson, S. A., Seligmann, B., Korn, R., Lenigk, R. & Zenhausern, F. Biodosimetry on small blood volume using gene expression assay. Health Phys 2, 179-185, doi:10.1097/01.HP.0000346706.44253.5c. (2010). [Health Physics](link is external and opens in a new window)
Garty, G., Chen, Y., Salerno, A., Turner, H., Zhang, J., Lyulko, O., Bertucci, A., Xu, Y., Wang, H., Simaan, N., Randers-Pehrson, G., Yao, Y. L., Amundson, S. A. & Brenner, D. J. The RABIT: a rapid automated biodosimetry tool for radiological triage. Health Phys 98, 209-217, doi:10.1097/HP.0b013e3181ab3cb6 (2010). [Health Physics](link is external and opens in a new window)
Paul, S. & Amundson, S. A. Development of gene expression signatures for practical radiation biodosimetry. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys 71, 1236-1244, doi:10.1016/j.ijrobp.2008.03.043 (2008). [International Journal of Radiation Oncology, Biology, Physics](link is external and opens in a new window)
Straume, T., Amundson, S. A., Blakely, W. F., Burns, F. J., Chen, A., Dainiak, N., Franklin, S., Leary, J. A., Loftus, D. J., Morgan, W. F., Pellmar, T. C., Stolc, V., Turteltaub, K. W., Vaughan, A. T., Vijayakumar, S. & Wyrobek, A. J. NASA Radiation Biomarker Workshop, September 27-28, 2007. Radiat Res 170, 393-405, doi:10.1667/RR1382.1 (2008). [Radiation Research](link is external and opens in a new window)
Amundson, S. A., Do, K. T., Vinikoor, L. C., Lee, R. A., Koch-Paiz, C. A., Ahn, J., Reimers, M., Chen, Y., Scudiero, D. A., Weinstein, J. N., Trent, J. M., Bittner, M. L., Meltzer, P. S. & Fornace, A. J., Jr. Integrating global gene expression and radiation survival parameters across the 60 cell lines of the National Cancer Institute Anticancer Drug Screen. Cancer Res 68, 415-424, doi:10.1158/0008-5472.CAN-07-2120 (2008). [Cancer Research](link is external and opens in a new window)
Amundson, S. A. Functional Genomics and a New Era in Radiation Biology and Oncology. Bioscience 58, 491-500, doi:10.1641/B580606 (2008). [Bioscience](link is external and opens in a new window)
Amundson, S. A. Functional genomics in radiation biology: a gateway to cellular systems-level studies. Radiat Environ Biophys 47, 25-31, doi:10.1007/s00411-007-0140-1 (2008). [Radiation Environmental Biophysics](link is external and opens in a new window)
Alexander, G., Swartz, H., Amundson, S.A., Blakely, W.F., Buddemeier, B., Gallez, B., Dainiak. N., Goans, R., Hayes, R., Jones, R., Lowry, P., Noska, M., Okunieff, P., Salner, A., Schauer, D., Trompier, F., Turteltaub, K., Voisin, P., Wiley, A.J., Wilkins, R. BiodosEPR-2006 Meeting: Acute Dosimetry Consensus Committee Recommendations on Biodosimetry Applications in Events Involving Terrorist Uses of Radioactive Materials and Radiation Accidents. Radiat Meas, 2007, 42:972-996. [Radiation Measures](link is external and opens in a new window)
Project 3: Metabolomics Publications
Representative Recent Publications
Laiakis, E. C., Canadell, M. P., Grilj, V., Harken, A. D., Garty, G. Y., Astarita, G., Brenner, D. J., Smilenov, L. & Fornace, A. J., Jr. Serum lipidomic analysis from mixed neutron/X-ray radiation fields reveals a hyperlipidemic and pro-inflammatory phenotype. Sci Rep 9, 4539, doi:10.1038/s41598-019-41083-7 (2019). [Scientific Reports](link is external and opens in a new window)
Laiakis EC. Metabolomic applications in radiation biodosimetry. In: D’alessandro A, ed. Methods in Molecular Biology -High-thoughput metabolomics. Springer Nature; 2019.
Pannkuk, E. L., Laiakis, E. C., Gill, K., Jain, S. K., Mehta, K. Y., Nishita, D., Bujold, K., Bakke, J., Gahagen, J., Authier, S., Chang, P. & Fornace, A. J., Jr. Liquid Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry-Based Metabolomics of Nonhuman Primates after 4 Gy Total Body Radiation Exposure: Global Effects and Targeted Panels. J Proteome Res, doi:10.1021/acs.jproteome.9b00101 (2019). [Journal of Proteome Research](link is external and opens in a new window)
Pannkuk, E. L., Laiakis, E. C., Garcia, M., Fornace, A. J., Jr. & Singh, V. K. Nonhuman Primates with Acute Radiation Syndrome: Results from a Global Serum Metabolomics Study after 7.2 Gy Total-Body Irradiation. Radiat Res, doi:10.1667/RR15167.1 (2018). [Radiation Research](link is external and opens in a new window)
Laiakis, E. C., Mak, T. D., Strawn, S. J., Wang, Y. W., Moon, B. H., Ake, P. & Fornace, A. J., Jr. Global metabolomic responses in urine from atm deficient mice in response to LD50/30 gamma irradiation doses. Environ Mol Mutagen 59, 576-585, doi:10.1002/em.22202 (2018). [Environmental and Molecular Mutagenesis](link is external and opens in a new window)
Suresh Kumar, M. A., Laiakis, E. C., Ghandhi, S. A., Morton, S. R., Fornace, A. J., Jr. & Amundson, S. A. Gene Expression in Parp1 Deficient Mice Exposed to a Median Lethal Dose of Gamma Rays. Radiat Res 190, 53-62, doi:10.1667/RR14990.1 (2018). [Radiation Research](link is external and opens in a new window)
Chen, Z., Coy, S. L., Pannkuk, E. L., Laiakis, E. C., Fornace, A. J., Jr. & Vouros, P. Differential Mobility Spectrometry-Mass Spectrometry (DMS-MS) in Radiation Biodosimetry: Rapid and High-Throughput Quantitation of Multiple Radiation Biomarkers in Nonhuman Primate Urine. J Am Soc Mass Spectrom 29, 1650-1664, doi:10.1007/s13361-018-1977-z (2018). [Journal of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry](link is external and opens in a new window)
Vera, N. B., Chen, Z., Pannkuk, E., Laiakis, E. C., Fornace, A. J., Jr., Erion, D. M., Coy, S. L., Pfefferkorn, J. A. & Vouros, P. Differential mobility spectrometry (DMS) reveals the elevation of urinary acetylcarnitine in non-human primates (NHPs) exposed to radiation. J Mass Spectrom 53, 548-559, doi:10.1002/jms.4085 (2018). [Journal of Mass Spectrometry](link is external and opens in a new window)
Rudqvist, N., Laiakis, E. C., Ghandhi, S. A., Kumar, S., Knotts, J. D., Chowdhury, M., Fornace, A. J., Jr. & Amundson, S. A. Global Gene Expression Response in Mouse Models of DNA Repair Deficiency after Gamma Irradiation. Radiat Res 189, 337-344, doi:10.1667/RR14862.1 (2018). [Radiation Research](link is external and opens in a new window)
Laiakis, E. C., Pannkuk, E. L., Chauthe, S. K., Wang, Y. W., Lian, M., Mak, T. D., Barker, C. A., Astarita, G. & Fornace, A. J., Jr. A Serum Small Molecule Biosignature of Radiation Exposure from Total Body Irradiated Patients. J Proteome Res 16, 3805-3815, doi:10.1021/acs.jproteome.7b00468 (2017). [Journal of Proteome Research](link is external and opens in a new window)
Laiakis, E. C., Wang, Y. W., Young, E. F., Harken, A. D., Xu, Y., Smilenov, L., Garty, G. Y., Brenner, D. J. & Fornace, A. J., Jr. Metabolic Dysregulation after Neutron Exposures Expected from an Improvised Nuclear Device. Radiat Res 188, 21-34, doi:10.1667/RR14656.1 (2017). [Radiation Research](link is external and opens in a new window)
Chen, Z., Coy, S. L., Pannkuk, E. L., Laiakis, E. C., Hall, A. B., Fornace, A. J., Jr. & Vouros, P. Rapid and High-Throughput Detection and Quantitation of Radiation Biomarkers in Human and Nonhuman Primates by Differential Mobility Spectrometry-Mass Spectrometry. J Am Soc Mass Spectrom 27, 1626-1636, doi:10.1007/s13361-016-1438-5 (2016). [Journal of the American Society for Mass Spectrometry](link is external and opens in a new window)
Goudarzi, M., Mak, T. D., Jacobs, J. P., Moon, B. H., Strawn, S. J., Braun, J., Brenner, D. J., Fornace, A. J., Jr. & Li, H. H. An Integrated Multi-Omic Approach to Assess Radiation Injury on the Host-Microbiome Axis. Radiat Res 186, 219-234, doi:10.1667/RR14306.1 (2016). [Radiation Research](link is external and opens in a new window)
Pannkuk, E. L., Fornace, A. J., Jr. & Laiakis, E. C. Metabolomic applications in radiation biodosimetry: exploring radiation effects through small molecules. Int J Radiat Biol 93, 1151-1176, doi:10.1080/09553002.2016.1269218 (2017). [International Journal of Radiation Biology](link is external and opens in a new window)
Laiakis, E. C., Strawn, S. J., Brenner, D. J. & Fornace, A. J. Assessment of Saliva as a Potential Biofluid for Biodosimetry: A Pilot Metabolomics Study in Mice. Radiat Res 186, 92-97, doi:10.1667/RR14433.1. (2016). [Radiation Research](link is external and opens in a new window)
Goudarzi, M., Chauthe, S., Strawn, S. J., Weber, W. M., Brenner, D. J. & Fornace, A. J. Quantitative Metabolomic Analysis of Urinary Citrulline and Calcitroic Acid in Mice after Exposure to Various Types of Ionizing Radiation. Int J Mol Sci 17, doi:10.3390/ijms17050782 (2016). [International Journal of Molecular Sciences](link is external and opens in a new window)
Goudarzi, M., Weber, W. M., Chung, J., Doyle-Eisele, M., Melo, D. R., Mak, T. D., Strawn, S. J., Brenner, D. J., Guilmette, R. & Fornace, A. J. Serum Dyslipidemia Is Induced by Internal Exposure to Strontium-90 in Mice, Lipidomic Profiling Using a Data-Independent Liquid Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry Approach. J Proteome Res 14, 4039-4049, doi:10.1021/acs.jproteome.5b00576 (2015). [Journal of Proteome Research](link is external and opens in a new window)
Goudarzi, M., Weber, W. M., Mak, T. D., Chung, J., Doyle-Eisele, M., Melo, D. R., Strawn, S. J., Brenner, D. J., Guilmette, R. A. & Fornace, A. J., Jr. A Comprehensive Metabolomic Investigation in Urine of Mice Exposed to Strontium-90. Radiat Res 183, 665-674, doi:10.1667/RR14011.1 (2015). [Radiation Research](link is external and opens in a new window)
Laiakis, E. C., Pannkuk, E. L., Diaz-Rubio, M. E., Wang, Y. W., Mak, T. D., Simbulan-Rosenthal, C. M., Brenner, D. J. & Fornace, A. J., Jr. Implications of genotypic differences in the generation of a urinary metabolomics radiation signature. Mutat Res 788, 41-49, doi:10.1016/j.mrfmmm.2016.03.003 (2016). [Mutation Research](link is external and opens in a new window)
Mak, T. D., Laiakis, E. C., Goudarzi, M. & Fornace, A. J., Jr. Selective paired ion contrast analysis: a novel algorithm for analyzing postprocessed LC-MS metabolomics data possessing high experimental noise. Anal Chem 87, 3177-3186, doi:10.1021/ac504012a (2015). [Analytical Chemistry](link is external and opens in a new window)
Mak, T. D., Tyburski, J. B., Krausz, K. W., Kalinich, J. F., Gonzalez, F. J. & Fornace, A. J., Jr. Exposure to ionizing radiation reveals global dose- and time-dependent changes in the urinary metabolome of rat. Metabolomics 11, 1082-1094, doi:10.1007/s11306-014-0765-4 (2015). [Metabolomics](link is external and opens in a new window)
Goudarzi, M., Weber, W. M., Mak, T. D., Chung, J., Doyle-Eisele, M., Melo, D. R., Brenner, D. J., Guilmette, R. A. & Fornace, A. J., Jr. Metabolomic and lipidomic analysis of serum from mice exposed to an internal emitter, cesium-137, using a shotgun LC-MS(E) approach. J Proteome Res 14, 374-384, doi:10.1021/pr500913n (2015). [Journal of Proteome Research](link is external and opens in a new window)
Hyduke, D. R., Laiakis, E. C., Li, H. H. & Fornace, A. J., Jr. Identifying radiation exposure biomarkers from mouse blood transcriptome. Int J Bioinform Res Appl 9, 365-385, doi:10.1504/IJBRA.2013.054701 (2013). [International Journal of Bioinformatics Research and Applications](link is external and opens in a new window)
Laiakis, E. C., Strassburg, K., Bogumil, R., Lai, S., Vreeken, R. J., Hankemeier, T., Langridge, J., Plumb, R. S., Fornace, A. J., Jr. & Astarita, G. Metabolic phenotyping reveals a lipid mediator response to ionizing radiation. J Proteome Res 13, 4143-4154, doi:10.1021/pr5005295 (2014). [Journal of Proteome Research](link is external and opens in a new window)
Goudarzi, M., Mak, T. D., Chen, C., Smilenov, L. B., Brenner, D. J. & Fornace, A. J. The effect of low dose rate on metabolomic response to radiation in mice. Radiat Environ Biophys 53, 645-657, doi:10.1007/s00411-014-0558-1 (2014). [Radiation and Environmental Biophysics](link is external and opens in a new window)
Goudarzi, M., Weber, W., Mak, T. D., Chung, J., Doyle-Eisele, M., Melo, D., Brenner, D. J., Guilmette, R. A. & Fornace, A. J. Development of urinary biomarkers for internal exposure by cesium-137 using a metabolomics approach in mice. Radiat Res 181, 54-64, doi:10.1667/RR13479.1 (2014). [Radiation Research](link is external and opens in a new window)
Mak, T. D., Laiakis, E. C., Goudarzi, M. & Fornace, A. J., Jr. MetaboLyzer: a novel statistical workflow for analyzing Postprocessed LC-MS metabolomics data. Anal Chem 86, 506-513, doi:10.1021/ac402477z (2014). [Analytical Chemistry](link is external and opens in a new window)
Laiakis, E. C., Bogumil, R., Roehring, C., Daxboeck, M., Lai, S., Breit, M., Shockor, J., Cohen, S., Langridge, J., Fornace, A. J. & Astarita, G. Targeted Metabolomics Using the UPLC/MS-based AbsoluteIDQ p180 Kit. [Waters Corporation, Application Note](link is external and opens in a new window)
Laiakis, E. C., Mak, T. D., Anizan, S., Amundson, S. A., Barker, C. A., Wolden, S. L., Brenner, D. J. & Fornace, A. J., Jr. Development of a metabolomic radiation signature in urine from patients undergoing total body irradiation. Radiat Res 181, 350-361, doi:10.1667/RR13567.1 (2014). [Radiation Research](link is external and opens in a new window)
Laiakis, E. C., Hyduke, D. R. & Fornace, A. J. Comparison of mouse urinary metabolic profiles after exposure to the inflammatory stressors gamma radiation and lipopolysaccharide. Radiat Res 177, 187-199 (2012). [Radiation Research](link is external and opens in a new window)
Coy, S. L., Cheema, A. K., Tyburski, J. B., Laiakis, E. C., Collins, S. P. & Fornace, A., Jr. Radiation metabolomics and its potential in biodosimetry. Int J Radiat Biol 87, 802-823, doi:10.3109/09553002.2011.556177 (2011). [International Journal of Radiation Biology](link is external and opens in a new window)